Early Years Education

Research shows that quality early years’ education has high impact on the cognition and belief’s system of a child. As early years education affects a child’s lifetime, learning is best preferred to be evidence based and holistic in the broad areas of :

1. Language –Without language skills, a child will not be able to express their thoughts and emotions clearly and communication will not be effective. Cognitive, reasoning abilities and academic ability will be affected when a child possesses inefficient language skills. Besides, a good leader requires language skills to address the crowd and to ensure that he or she is well understood. It will be beneficial to your child if you are aware of the different ways in developing the language skills in your child.

2. Emotional Learning – Several emotional skills such as anger management, delayed gratification, motivations and curiosity etc are fundamental to academic achievement and happiness. The stability of a child’s emotions also plays an important part in the type of jobs he or she can hold in the future. For example, a person with stable emotions will excel as a politician and as a pilot. It is critical that your child learns to recognise his or her emotions and manage them.

3. Social skills –Learning to work in a team requires empathy, social skills and the ability to manage others’ emotions. Without empathy, a person will not be able to make a good leader. Your child can be taught in his or her early years about sharing, caring, turns taking and conflict management.

4. Physical development – Healthy body, healthy brain. Exercising is equally important as resting well and eating well. Your child must learn how to look after himself or herself. Exercising promotes blood circulation and production of neurotransmitters in the brain. It also brings more oxygen to the brain. Likewise, certain food enhances production of neurons in our hippocampus and connectivity.

5. Values and belief system – We are defined by our values. Having a clear statement of personal values helps a child to learn the basis for his or her thoughts and their decisions. Values also affect our beliefs’ system, which in turn defines our mindsets eventually.

6. Cognitive and reasoning – A child needs to have basic understanding of knowledge. Learning will not be complete if a child is unable to reason well with their knowledge he or she has learned. Learning how to learn and think are essential skills in the 21st century with the proliferation of artificial intelligence (A.I).

Teachers and educators are expected to be clear of the curriculum, pedagogy and assessment (C.P.A) apart from the learning outcome of each C.P.A. It is preferred that the teachers and educators possess basic understanding of neuroscience knowledge and mindsets training.

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