Be Our Author

Benefits As Our Author

Being an author for the Early Years Research Association of Singapore (EYRAS) journal offers a host of compelling reasons for educators, researchers, and practitioners in the field of early childhood education. As an author to the EYRAS journal, you can experience the following benefits and opportunities:

  1. Knowledge Dissemination: Publishing your research, findings, and insights in the EYRAS journal allows you to share your knowledge and expertise with a wide audience of professionals, educators, policymakers, and researchers within the community of early years education, educational therapy, cognitive neuroscience, educational counseling and child psychology community. Your work can contribute to the collective knowledge base and inform evidence-based practices in the field.

  2. Professional Recognition: Having your work published in a reputable and recognised journal like EYRAS can enhance your professional reputation and credibility within the academic and educational community. It positions you as an expert in your area of research.

  3. Contribution to the Field: By being an author to the EYRAS journal, you are actively contributing to the growth and development of the field of early childhood education. Your research and insights can spark discussions, inspire further investigations, and potentially lead to innovative solutions and approaches in supporting young children’s learning and development.

  4. Feedback and Peer Review: Submitting your work to the EYRAS journal allows it to undergo a rigorous peer-review process. Receiving constructive feedback from peers and experts in the field can help refine your research, strengthen your arguments, and improve the overall quality of your work.

  5. Networking and Collaboration: Being part of the EYRAS journal community opens doors to potential collaborations with other researchers, educators, and experts in the early childhood education field. Engaging with peers in the academic community can lead to valuable partnerships and joint research opportunities.

  6. Career Growth and Opportunities: Publishing in the EYRAS journal can significantly impact your career advancement and open doors to new opportunities, such as invitations to speak at conferences, participation in panel discussions, and potential collaborations with educational institutions or organisations.

  7. Positive Impact on Early Childhood Education: Your research and contributions to the EYRAS journal can have a tangible impact on early childhood education practices and policies. By disseminating evidence-based information, you can play a role in shaping the direction of the field and promoting effective strategies for the benefit of young children and their families.

  8. Personal Fulfillment: Being an author to the EYRAS journal can be personally rewarding, knowing that your work has the potential to make a positive difference in the lives of young children and the educators and caregivers who support them.

The Review Process

1. Journal receives a paper.

2. Journal editors checks the paper against the journal’s aims and scope.

3. The editor then selects 2 to 3 peer reviewers and sends the paper.

4. The reviewers read the paper and provide comments, suggestions and a recommendation (reject, revise or accept). The reviewers must complete the Peer Review Report and Peer Review Checklist after evaluating whether the manuscript

  • Is original as to thought (refer to Originality Policy) and method (including data) (refer to Data and Software Availability Policy)
  • Is methodologically sound
  • Provides clarity and has results which support the conclusions
  • Provides accurate and thorough citations of prior, pertinent work
  • Adheres to applicable ethical standards, especially those relating to plagiarism (refer to Plagiarism Policy)
  • Clearly advances the state of knowledge in the industry

5. The editor checks the reviews and sends them to the author(s), with any extra guidance. If there are revisions, the author(s) decides whether to make these and re-submit.

6. Authors make amendments and re-submit the paper.

7. If the journal accepts the paper, it moves into production and is published.

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